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Fringoo Blog

Style Round-Up: The Prettiest Pastel Accessories

For anyone who loves pastel shades, we’re doing a style round-up of our most stylish pastel accessories and stationery today! Here at Fringoo, trends are very important to us, and we always design with what people love in mind. As such, we have created a range of stylish pastel products in contemporary colours and prints that kids, tweens, teens and adults are bound to love!

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Amazing Accessories! The perfect gifts for kids, tweens, teens or adults who love to stand out for their style!



Hi everyone! We're back with another round-up of our amazing accessories, and today we're taking a look at our range of back to school (or uni, or even work!) bags!

If you're looking for a stylish yet practical bag designed to stand out and withstand busy active lives, then we're sure that whatever your age or tastes you'll find a bag you love at Fringoo!

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Stand-Out Stationery

Here at Fringoo, we understand the importance of personal style: everything we create is designed with your unique kids in mind! We love to create stationery that stands out. 

Why not get your kids some awesome trendy stationery for Christmas, and send them back to school in style for the new year?

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Adorable Sloth Accessories that would make the perfect fun gifts!

Don’t let mermaids and unicorns have all the spotlight! This season it’s also all about llamas and sloths. In our last post, we did a round up of all our latest llama accessories. Today, we’re going to give you a glimpse of all our stylish sloth gift ideas!

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Trendy Llama Accessories from Fringoo: the perfect 2018 Christmas gift for anyone who loves Llamas!

Mermaids and unicorns are here to stay, but there’s been a new addition to the dream team: llamas! They may be sassier than unicorns, but they’re still every bit as cute, and here at Fringoo we love everything Llama! 

Since Llama-EVERYTHING appears to be a huge trend hitting the stores this December, we thought we’d do a quick round-up of all our cutest llama accessories. 

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Unicorn Stationery and Accessories from Fringoo: the perfect Christmas 2018 gifts for unicorn lovers

Are unicorns your favourite animal? Here at Fringoo, we have a ton of stationery, school supplies and accessories for unicorn-lovers.

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Mermaid Accessories from Fringoo: the perfect gifts for a Mermazing Christmas!

The mermaid trend is here to stay, for kids and adults alike! Here at Fringoo we have the most glamorous of mermaid accessories to let your true selves sparkle and shimmer!

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Style Round-up: Adorable Dinosaur print Christmas gifts for kids in 2018!


Here at Fringoo we have a range of cute, on-trend kids accessories and stationery to suit all styles and interests. Does anyone know a kid who doesn’t love dinosaurs? I know I did! We have tons of adorable dinosaur-print accessories to help kids express themselves and show off their hobbies and interests. Why not encourage our budding archeologists with some adorable dino print gear for all their adventures?

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The latest trends for 2018!

Hi everyone! Today we’re doing a round-up of the latest design trends, so you can be sure to buy the most stylish, contemporary gifts for your friends and family this Christmas!

Thanks to social media, youngsters are currently more aware of style trends than ever, and want to be seen wearing all the latest fashions.

Here at Fringoo, we create fashionable, contemporary designs to ensure your kids will be rocking those trends.

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Christmas Present Ideas for Tweens in 2018

Now we come to, in my experience, the most challenging age group to shop for: the tweens, ages 10-13. At this age, their friend group and personal style is so important to kids. They’re confident in who they are, their interests and their style. They want to express themselves, and share their fashion sense with their peers. They are developing their interests in fashion, style, beauty, appearance, and trends. Make sure you don’t get caught out by buying them something that’s soooo last season! Here at Fringoo we create fun, contemporary and on-trend designs, so your kids will be the envy of all their school friends. 

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Christmas gift ideas for toddlers in 2018

Christmas shopping 2018 with fringoo! Trendy accessories for kids, adults, tweens, teens and toddlers! The perfect gift this christmas!

Good morning everyone! We’d like to continue our Christmas tips and tricks blog series with a guide on choosing presents for the littlest ones in our lives. Here we've put together selection of Christmas gift ideas that toddlers are guaranteed to love!

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Fringoo's Handy Tips for Christmas Shopping in 2018!

Shop Christmas at Fringoo

It’s that time of the year again! If you’re anything like me, I know you just can’t wait to see everyone’s faces when they open their presents! Here we've put together a handy list of tricks and tips to help eliminate the Christmas run-up stresses, and let you focus on what Christmas should really be all about: spending time with your family.

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